OUR generous partners are key to the work we do at Right Now For Today. These organizations make it possible to maximize our efforts, through monetary donations and support. We are very proud of the relationships we have built with these Brands that believe in our mission and unite with us to lift up Overtown.

Hammock Greens

Hammock Greens facilitates as an educational institution, specifically designed to provide knowledge and skills related to the Agri-Tech Industry. Youth and adults involved in these programs will have the opportunity to pursue their interest in agriculture and new explore career pathways within our company. Their location allows the apprentices to have an opportunity to connect with the local community and identify their future role in agriculture.

4-H Youth Development

You may think 4-H is just cooking and cows, but it is much more than that! Here in Miami we partner with organizations, like Right Now For Today, to provide high quality experiences for youth ages 5-18. As an Extension of The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Services, we offer research based programs that provide solutions for our communities greatest needs. 

In partnership with Right Now For Today, our goal is to build more secure food systems and inspire the next generation of urban agriculturalists. We are currently developing a teen leadership program to connect students with career opportunities in the Agri-tech industry